Autohemotherapy (Autologous Blood Treatment)

Autohemotherapy, also known as autologous blood therapy, is a treatment that involves withdrawing a small amount of a patient’s blood and then re-injecting it into a muscle. This procedure is believed to stimulate the immune system and improve the body’s ability to fight diseases. It has been used in alternative medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic skin problems like acne and eczema, chronic prostatitis, allergic diseases, fibromyalgia, and other immune system dysfunctions.


How Autohemotherapy Works:

  1. Blood Withdrawal: A small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn, typically from a vein.
  2. Re-Injection: The same blood is then re-injected into a muscle, often in the gluteal region.
  3. Immune Response: The re-injected blood is thought to stimulate the immune system, possibly by introducing autologous antigens that trigger an immune response. This response can enhance the body’s ability to fight infections and inflammation.

Proposed Benefits:

  • Immune System Modulation: By reintroducing the patient’s own blood, the therapy may modulate the immune response, helping the body to better recognize and combat pathogens.
  • Treatment for Chronic Conditions: Autohemotherapy is used by some practitioners to treat chronic conditions that are linked to immune dysfunction, such as allergies, chronic infections, and inflammatory diseases.

Usage and Safety:

  • Alternative Medicine: Autohemotherapy is more commonly used in alternative and complementary medicine practices in Europe and the USA.
  • Safety: As with any medical procedure, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriateness and safety of autohemotherapy for individual health conditions.

Scientific Basis:

  • The scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of autohemotherapy is limited and largely anecdotal. Some practitioners believe in its benefits based on clinical observations, but more rigorous scientific studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness and understand the underlying mechanisms.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Experience the benefits of Autohemotherapy under the expert care of Dr. Alla Brouk and improve your immune system’s functionality effectively.